Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chicken Macaroni Soup

Winter once again and tis' the soup season ! there's nothing better than a yummy hot soup paired with scones or warm bread on chilly days & chicken soup for me, just does the trick.
So, here's a soup recipe which we call 'Sopas' in the Philippines, a traditional dish I should say- quite filling and satisfying :) and very easy to make.


2 chicken breasts, skinned, boiled and flaked- keep about 4-5 cups of the chicken stock
2-4 cloves of fresh garlic, minced (fresh is always better than the potted ones)
1 big white onion, minced
Cut the following into small cubes of equal sizes if you can:
1 big carrot, 1 big potato or 3 small ones, 2 celery stalks & 1/2 of a small red capsicum
2-3 cups of cooked shell or elbow macaroni pasta (pls. don't overcook because it'll still simmer in the pot)
2 eggs, beaten
2 tbsp. cooking oil + 1 tbsp. butter/margarine
1 cup Lite Carnation evaporated milk (I use this because it's creamier, but if you want to use cream then it's up to you)

salt, accdg. to taste
1 tsp. of Aromat
2 tbsp. fish sauce (optional but I usually use this in this recipe)
freshly cracked pepper
spring onions

1/4 of a cabbage- cut in julienne strips


1.) On medium heat, brown garlic in oil and a tbsp. of butter/margarine.
2.) Add onions, saute until it turns translucent then add chopped veges, except for celery.
3.) Add in flaked chicken then fish sauce & Aromat. Saute' til flavour seeps into veges.
4.) Pour the chicken stock that was saved earlier plus 2 cups of water. Simmer on low heat for 3-5 minutes.
5.) Add the pasta, celery, capsicum & milk then season to taste. Simmer for another 2-4 minutes. Add in cabbage strips.
6.) Just before serving- beat 2 eggs in a bowl, temper eggs by adding some of the soup stock in the bowl, beat and then pour everything back into the pot. Serve with freshly cracked black pepper and spring onions on top.

Don't forget to pair it up with warm bread, yum!

Happy cooking :)

Cook's note: Aromat is a Knorr seasoning w/c can be bought at any grocery shops in the imported section usually.

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