Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Chicken and Camembert Pasta Blanc

This pasta dish is another product of experimentation, so puritans be warned that non-traditional ingredients are used- before you go blah on the thought of using evaporated milk and flour in place of half the amount of cream. Unfortunately in NZ we don't have half and half HOWEVER- this is such a creamy, velvety sauce that is just worth trying and oh so yummy- and don't take my word for it, head for the kitchen  ^_^


1 large onion minced
butter and olive oil
2 chicken breasts, sliced
8 bacon strips or 5 pcs. shoulder bacon, sliced
500 gms fettucine or spaghetti
250 mls cream
White wine, 1/2 cup
1 can evaporated milk 
 2 tbsp. flour
Quarter slice of a small Camembert, peel off the wax.
herbs, i used a little bit of garlic, thyme and parsley
*just enough to give the dish a 'hint' of flavour 
freshly ground pepper
button mushrooms, optional.


1. Add a knob or two of butter and then turn the heat on, this way you allow the butter to melt and not burn-with white sauce you do not want that burnt taste trust me  :) Add the oil.

2. Add the onions, then the bacon and let it sweat out the flavour. When onions are transluscent, add the chicken and let it brown a little. Add the wine- let simmer until alcohol evaporates (the flavour is retained in the meat). 

3. Add the flour and mix well until pasty, add the milk- keep stirring, then cream making sure it's lump-free. Simmer until thickened. Add the Camembert and mix until it is melted. 

4. Add cooked pasta and mix thoroughly until the sauce is well incorporated. Finito.

Serve warm with bread and freshly ground pepper. Enjoy it with friends :)

You can substitute prawns and/or scallops for chicken.

“Tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers.” 
― William Shakespeare

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